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Printmaking Workshop with NikNik Studio

I recently met Nicole Neu of Niknik Studio and became instantly enamoured. She is a magical human being with a huge heart that somehow makes creativity contagious. She is in the process of undertaking a project called "A Year of Shapes" in which each day she cuts a new wood form and plays with shapes and materials. Beautiful. Which got me thinking there could be an easy way to join forces and get our friends to want to get their hands dirty, on a Tuesday night, just because.

We came up with an easy plan - a Shape Printing Workshop using her rejected wood cuts as the shapes we would use to make simple block prints. The ladies of Festoon LA generously let us use their gorgeous space as a makeshift art studio for the night to build community through crafting, pizza, and wine of course. It was really that joyous. We only charged $25 to cover the cost of crafting supplies and pizza and had fun with it.

Nicole did an excellent job of first gathering the right paint supplies (artist grade acrylics, sponge paint brushes to apply the paint to the wood cuts, fabric, and different types of paper to experiment on) and then explaining how to do it without the process feeling intimidating.

We got messy and we loved it. Once you did one or two, it got addictive and you wanted to make more and more. We all joked about opening an Etsy shop to sell our handmade prints.

We may do more of these little workshops just because, or Nicole may lead some more serious ones on her own (follow her so you don't miss it if she does). Either way we hope to have shown our community (that's YOU) how easy and fun it can be to just start a crafting project and see where it takes you.

Nicole also created a beautiful finished set of wood wall hangings from her collection in the Year of Shapes exclusive to my shop. This set is the one that inspired the printmaking and I can't stop looking at it.


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